May 31Liked by Sarah Davy

You are so right, Sarah - there are so many pressures to be other than a writer just to make any kind of living, from blogging and podcasts to endless promotional work, never mind also probably having a 'day job' to keep the wolf from the door. The reality is that it is incredibly hard for even a moderately successful writer to make a decent living and even then it is usually supplemented with teaching or 'talks' and workshops. Your creativity as a writer can get lost in all of this and the lack of support can sap away at your motivation. Finding the balance is very hard. I count myself fortunate to have found a job teaching scriptwriting which at least let me feel that I was connected to the writing community, but full on mentoring of others creativity left little room/head space for my own writing. Finally, now I have downsized, paid off the mortgage and been able to afford to give up teaching to live on a shoestring but find the precious time to write. After years of knocking on doors I have a deal with a publisher for a series of novels - I know I will make very little income (when ebooks are selling for 99p!) but at least I am writing. Looking around at fellow authors with the same publisher it is amazing how many of us are 'retired' and pensioners, at last free from the day job to write full time. It saddens me that there is so little financial support around for writers (especially mid-career 30-60yrs) and to have any quality of life we are forced to make so many sacrifices, it is easy to lose heart at times. I hope that you do have at least the emotional support around you to keep writing and to have your work valued - I know that being a part of writing groups has been essential to my own well being and survival as a writer.

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Thanks Rosie, glad you've found a way to make space for your writing x

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That makes so much sense. I've just recently joined Substack and haven't turned on 'Paid' (and if / when I do (which is likely as people have pledged) I won't be putting up a paywall). I am currently posting once a week every week as I'm finding it a good way of making myself write and keeping to deadlines. In the future, that may not feel like such a valuable element of being here so I may change my approach

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Just to say Sarah that I took a little internet break recently (life changing!) and came back to substack because of a few newsletters that I missed - including yours! I think your Writing Forward space is brill for those looking for support. I also attended your northern writing groups when I could and it was great at that time in my life when I'd moved up from London and felt like I lost my little community of writers - so thank you! If nothing else does today I hope that this gives you a lift!

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Thanks so much for this Lauren, that's lovely to hear :)

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We each have to find a way to 'make it work', don't we? Substack may or may not be part of that journey for us; and if it is, we have to discover how we want to use it - to suit US, as you say, not any idealised model we've been sold. Good luck with your 'rebalancing', I hope it works for you. And I'm sure your subscribers won't be 'turning you off'...

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A heartfelt post, Sarah. I will do what I can, restacking this and will look to recommend you, too. I have a slow trickle of subscribers from a recommendation I received (a generous writet with a massive following). When we act in community, we are far stronger. PS I don't charge on substack, and can't see myself moving in that direction, either. Xxx

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May 31Liked by Sarah Davy

Well said Sarah! I really admire you for recognising what was happening and deciding how to go forward before it's too late. Being self-employed and creative at the same time IS hard, and I know I didn't stop in time before being forced to with burn-out. Take it easy over the summer months, and ENJOY your writing, no matter what!

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May 31Liked by Sarah Davy

Good luck with your writing. And thanks for all you’ve done to help other writers.

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May 31Liked by Sarah Davy

Hi Sarah, thank you for laying all of this out so articulately - it's a real struggle for so many people. Wishing you all the best, and I'm sticking around. :)

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May 31Liked by Sarah Davy

This coincided with me feeling exactly as you do and your article was a welcome email in my inbox - I totally get how you feel. I noted the use of the word "performance." How perfect this word is to describe the pressure to be something that you may well be uncomfortable with. As someone trying to get into screenwriting, I feel incredible pressure to "perform." I can't, so I don't, and it may well cost me being seen. Good luck Sarah, having seen you bloom, I'm convinced you will get that novel on the shelves.

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