Well done you for taking time to think about the successes, you have had a GOOD year. I am going to take a leaf out of your book and do a “review of the year” later today. Love to you from the south coast xxx

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Love to you too Jenny x

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Thank you Sarah. I think reflecting on the year is so useful because you're right, you tend to forget the progress and see the setbacks in big letters! My roundup will be coming up on my website blog by the end of the year. Like you, my subs record this year is mostly red for rejection and it was really disappointing because it looks less good than last year. However, reflecting, I've learned A LOT this year, including how to recognise and cling to my real values, which are so much more than 'being successful'. That piece of thinking has really helped my resilience. And at the very end of the year - this week - I received an email which I can't share the details of but which means I will be achieving a huge milestone soon, and, I'm glad this has happened after, and not before I reset my values because I understand success very differently now. Well done you for these really impressive achievements. Allow them to give you strength! xxx

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